Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Case studies and Design

Goal & Objective

To educate kids the cause and sollution of air pollution causes by factory by using games

-To show kids what are the causes of air pollution from factories.
-To teach why are they harmful and how will the smoke coming from the factory affect and causes danger.
-To show them how to prevent the smoke from being harm(by installing a filter to break down the particles) and how to reduce the carbon dioxide(by planting trees)

Looks & feel

Kids love robotic stuff and robotic environment. It is what they consider cool. So this game is using that element of cool to educate and teach children. Children are attracted to this and will immerse themselves into the game and learn as they go through the stages.

source :



In this game, the environment is similar to our world but all living things is machines and robots. This game has the similar to our world.

Astro Boy
Although in this game there are people, but almost 80% are robotic and machines. This is more towards cartoonish. i will not choose this because it is not similar enough to our world.
Transformers war at cybertron
This is entirely robotic and the environment is also fill with machines and robots. This will attract people very much because of the stylish of the character. I will not choose this becaus ethe stylish is to set for action and shooting.

Wall E

In the end i choose the look of the game wall e and machinarium because it is cartoonish and yet realistic enough to be believable.

Space & form

The game will have 3 different stages. Each stages have 3 different environment.

First stage is under the chamber which is filthy and little light source

The second stage is a wasteland will with robotic parts and scap metal of machine

Third level is in the factory. Machines and light everywhere


Picking up object
The object is ale to see by user clearly and yet hidden among others. User will have to move the robot to the object and touch it so that the robot can pick it up

solving puzzle
When the robot collect every material or at the gate, puzzle will come out and user will have to solve it to go through.
The puzzle will base on the real machine and redesign into a more simpler version to suit the appropriate age and more cartoonish.

Opening switch
Switches will be in specific area where player will have to go click and the robot will turn on or open the switch to open the gate or pen the puzzle


input, keyboard & mouse
output, desktop
The reason is keyboard has numerous keys and mouse can navigate freely. From all the games reference like diablo, diablo 2, dungeon & dragon, their input is keyboard & mouse.

game controller, X box controller
xbox controller is easier and more friendly in microsoft and with desktop.

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